Friday, February 29, 2008

VS Tennis 'B' Div match on Mon

wait...It's 'B' Div right?
Please note that those who are going down to support are to bring your Red Shirt and leave class at 12.30pm
To take Lunch and Change into Red Shirt by 1.05pm
Bus will leave at 1.05pm

Please sign and hand in all SLC Consent forms by this Monday
For those who haven't told Shervin your shirt size,Too Bad

Bing Yu

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Student Leaders' Investiture 2008

Hey guys,

For those of you that helped out during SLI - especially the flag bearers - great job! You guys were a part of what made SLI a success. =) You guys did well.

Work hard this year and the next to earn a position on that stage when it's your turn next year.

Till then!


Saturday, February 23, 2008

Resilency course

pls be reminded that our course is tomorrow after sch and tues after sch

Resilency course

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


All red shirts involved in SLI are to bring their Sch Tie to Sch tomorrow ,21 of feb 2008.
Sources from Timotty Tay of sec 3D.
P.S-Sorry for this very late post.i just got home 1hr ago.
Cheers!,Bing Yu